torsdag den 14. februar 2008

A guide to meditating

Why meditate. Mediation is a way to bring peace into your daily life. When you meditate you get rid of all excess thoughts from the day. It is like relieving psychical stress with a massage. In meditation the person relieves stress from the mind. Meditating can also bring more clarity about situations that the person is not comfortable with. Mediating is a way to find more purpose in daily life.

To meditate most people sit in the lotus position with their legs bent. It is also possible to meditate sitting upright. What is important is that the place is silent and that the light are usually dim. Then the person breaths in and out and listens to the breath. Or that persons focuses on how the air gets trough the chest up to neck and the mouth. It is important that mediation is continued even if something itches.

Then after about 30 minutes the mind will be calm and a feeling of well being will begin. After about one hour all thoughts are usually gone and only emotions remain. When mediating for even longer period of time insights from the sub conscious or repressed memories might emerge. There are ways to get deep in meditation and one of them is imagining climbing into a well or down a ladder with a security line.

Then seeing that image as the person slowly lowers into the dark all the time remembering that the lifeline is there. When in a calm state of mind which usually takes at least 30 minutes, then the person meditating might choose to say some statements loud which could bring more positive emotions. In this state the mind is really open to thoughts and new ideas and saying them out loud might help to increase mood.

Another way of meditating is by saying statements out loud again and again or mantric meditation. This focuses the mind on something particular statements and in that way relieves stress and makes the sib conscious mind appear more clearly. More than anything mediation requires practice like everything else. When mediating again and again the person might find ways that suits that individual best.

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