I have visited more 13 or 14 countries. I have seen more of the world than most people do in a lifetime. I feel at home many places and I believe I can live most places. My longest stay is the almost 1.5 years in the Philippines my shortest stay apart from airports was 2 days in Malaysia.
A nomad is a person that changes the home often. Lives different places often according to the season. This is a lifestyle. The nomad feels free because home is where the nomad chooses it to be. The nomad often has a routine way of travelling and places to visit each year.

A vagabond is a person that chooses to drift wherever the wind(hangin) takes that person. Home is the road or the people the vagabond meets on the way. A vagabond might travel far and the route is to be determined along the way. Since a avagbond relies on the feet they rarely leave the mainland.
My home country Norways finest the vikings are warriors, explorers and conquerers. They travel far to plunder gold, slaves and women. They travel to find land to settle and to build their own place. Some return to their native country and some stay for a lifetime in their new place. Vikings like the sea and rough wind(hangin) is their company. They are brave and does whatever it takes to reach their destination. They are great warriors who protect and serve loyally those people that are important to them.

2 kommentarer:
I would also like to travel around the world, but not alone, what about you and how do you get the money to travel around? Where in Norway do you live?
I actually stayed in Denmark but my family is from Oslo and Hordaland. I get the money from governement funding for studies and some from family members.
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