Utits hard to live right and decent, one of the reasons it is so is because its diffivcult to make decisions. Its difficult to commit to something that seems to be broing or that requires a lot of effort. Many times tihs is because we dont know the alternative. A way to be more comitted to difficult things is to get close to the alternative. U must know what u are missing out on. Try to get close to that thing that is the opposite of what u know is right. Get as close as u can. Evenif its immoral or u know its wrong. Consider what that lifestyle would give u of pleasure and probably easy living and see it as if was happening. Then when
u do this focus ur attention on what u know is right. It will be much more clear why u aspire to something else which requires more effort. Many times these things are about feeling about urself with respect and dignity and so on. But we can anly appreciate these htings if we make a decision that is firm because we know the alternative. Then hopefully when we choose the harder but also more dignified way of living which will give us results such as a family and so on it will be asier to follow. Feeling torn or feeling unreal or not libving life is also beacause we want to live right and be someone with dignity and self respect, and get respect from others, but we also have desires, some of which conta\rdict what we know is right. So we dont live our desires to the maximum and we dont live right or what we hope to aspire to. The result is frsutration and possibly much alcohol or other use. So get close to that which u think would be easy and pleasurable and then see what the harder more dignified way of living will give u. off course it is very important that u find some way of getting pleasuere and hiopefully being able to transform this into something that serves the dignified and res
pctfull way of living. When u do this and are able to transform ur desires, which contradict ur aspirations of a more dignified life, then u will feel more real. Desires and pleasure are good, as long as they serve ur most dignified idea about urself.

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